This may be a bit obvious, but I’m looking for work and am unclear how I can use LinkedIn to find positions other than searching for HR people in local companies. Can you offer some assistance? Thanks.
This may be a bit obvious, but I’m looking for work and am unclear how I can use LinkedIn to find positions other than searching for HR people in local companies. Can you offer some assistance? Thanks.
I’ve spent the last year or two updating and adding to my LinkedIn profile and it has a ton of information about me. But now the job I’m applying for wants a resume from me and I really don’t want to create one from scratch. Is there a way to export my profile information from LinkedIn so I can sidestep the problem?
I’m in my junior year at college and wanted to ask you what you recommend regarding me signing up for LinkedIn. Should I? And what should I put on my LinkedIn profile?
I just read about a security breach at LinkedIn that’s apparently exposed millions of passwords to hackers. That’s a problem, to say the least. How do I quickly go and change my password to ensure that no-one hacks into my LinkedIn account?
I have to admit, I usually spend time on Facebook, but as I’m looking for a job, I have updated my LinkedIn profile and spend time on there digging around and seeking positions. What I’m wondering is if there’s a way to see if it’s doing any good. That is, can I gauge whether people are actually finding me in searches they’re doing on LinkedIn?
I’ve spent so much time playing around in Facebook that I have neglected to stay present for my colleagues and associates on LinkedIn. I want to remedy that, particularly now that I am writing about resumes, job interviews, and other career related topics. Hence my question: can I post updates to LinkedIn that include embedded URLs to my blog articles?
I want to clean up my LinkedIn connections list and found your article on how to delete contacts in LinkedIn, but it’s out of date, Dave. There’s no “Connections” option for me to click on. Can you update it or at least let me know how to proceed?
I’m a long-time user of LinkedIn and have found it very useful for finding both jobs and contacts in the industry. Now I need to get a resume together for a possible job and am wondering if there’s any tool available that can pull all my LinkedIn career and job data and transform it into a PDF-format resume I can email someone?
I’m an active Twitter user (twitterer?) and would like to have my tweets / twitter messages show up on LinkedIn as my status updates. I’ve seen other people set this up but can’t identify what service they use for this. Can you help me out?
I’m wondering what’s the easiest way to connect to someone I’ve met at a conference when I get back to my office and want to use LinkedIn? Some folk seem to use Facebook, but I’m a recruiter and LinkedIn is my favorite. Tips? Suggestions?