How do I quit a Facebook group chat once it stops being interesting and starts just being two people arguing or being stupid? I’m on an iPhone 5, if that matters.
Unfortunately, there’s no stupidity filter on Facebook, so this isn’t something you can automate. Then again, a filter like that would have a dramatic impact on what’s shown on my Facebook timeline, now that I think about it, so perhaps that’s a good thing. 🙂
The Facebook app for iOS / iPhones is actually surprisingly feature rich, but a lot of the features and capabilities – including the ability to leave a group discussion or chat – can be hard to find. It’s the problem of a little screen and a whole lotta functionality, I expect.
To demonstrate, I conveniently have been in a group chat that I’m ready to leave, so I’ll demonstrate.
To start, in the Facebook Messenger app, here’s a list of current conversations I’m having. Pay attention to the top one:
The discussion has been titled “Startup Debut final details” and as you can see, the most recent message is that someone left the group. Ok. That’s what I want to do too.
A tap and I’m reading the discussion:
By the tiny pictures, you can see that there are fair number of people in this chat. Well, except Suzie.
On the lower right, lots of things you can do with type, photos, stickers, audio recordings, etc, but what you want this time is to tap on the “i” in a circle on the top right. That brings down a menu of options:
You can mute the conversation (you’re still part of it, you’ll just stop getting notifications), add people, see a list of everyone in the discussion or the mysterious “More”.
In fact, you want to tap on “More”. A whole new set of options appears:
Well there ya go! Tap on “Leave Group”…
One more tap, on “Leave” and you’re done.
B’bye group. Not too bad. Just need to pay attention to those buttons on the edges, right?